Forging Elite Fitness

2011 Monday, June 20th

GET YOUR BODYFAT COMPS DONE THIS WEEK!!!  If you had your body composition done (body fat %) in the beginning of April, now is the time to retest.  We’ll set aside 10 minutes before class this week and get you re-pinched to see some changes!!!
The Rolling Thruster

Brandon lookin' out the window on a complete kettlebell swing!!! That's what I'm talking about 🙂

Workout of the Day:

In celebration of Brandon Simond’s birthday over the weekend we’ll be doing the WOD of his choosing 🙂  And Brandon, being an avid basketball player and all, you can expect a little jumpin’!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUDE!!!
“Jump Around”
50 Jump and Touch
40 Air Squats
30 Jumping Pull-ups
20 Jump Over Bar Burpees
10 Rolling Thrusters (95# / 65#)
5 Weighted Box Step-ups Each Leg (95# / 65#)
1 200m Sprint
For Time

Fundamentals / Skill Work:

Abnihilation – Windshield Wipers / Toes 2 Bar / Sit Ups……..oh my?

Cookies.....that are nutty

Paleo Meal of the Day:

Nutty Cookies

2 bananas smashed
1/3 cup coconut flour
3/4 cup almond butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup raw walnuts
1 apple finely chopped
1/3 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp cinnamon (or more if your 2 year old is measuring…)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a medium mixing bowl, use a fork to smash the bananas to baby food consistency. Add the coconut flour, almond butter, and baking soda and mix well.  Using a hand held chopper or food processor, chop the walnuts and apples to a very fine dice.  Add the walnuts, apples, coconut milk, and cinnamon to the bowl and mix in remaining ingredients.  Cover two cookie sheets with parchment paper and spoon heaping tablespoons of the cookie mix onto the parchment paper, placing an inch or two apart.  Bake for 25  minutes.  Makes approximately 20-22 cookies.

One response

  1. clint


    Happy Birthday, but really????
    this wod is a monster, im a little frightened.
    see u tomo 🙂

    June 19, 2011 at 11:37 pm

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